Watch Out World: It's Time to Be Disruptive

Recently a friend read my astrology natal chart (if that stuff all sounds like a foreign language to you, join the club. I’m not even sure that’s the correct name... ) and what she shared was really interesting and slightly comforting.

Based on my chart, I'm literally on this planet to be disruptive.

To be an unconventional and rude awakener.

I know that I'm meant to help women step into their power in a next level way, but I've been so good at finding all the reasons of why I'm not ready or not qualified enough yet to do that. Reasons include:

  • I haven't struggled enough yet
  • I don't have a successful enough business yet
  • I still doubt myself all the time and question my own power
  • I'm still learning
  • I don't want people to dislike me or judge me
  • What if I put my heart and soul into this, like 100%, and it still doesn't work?
  • What if it does work and I'm super successful and powerful, and I scare people away and have no friends?
  • I'm not a good public speaker
  • I'm not a good enough teacher
  • I'm disorganized and all over the place
  • I can't commit to just one thing; I'm too flakey

I could literally come up with a million more reasons/fears/doubts. But I'm done. I'm literally unavailable for this negativity anymore. I have serious work to do. Because you have serious work to do.

The world NEEDS more women in their power, speaking their truth, doing good things with their power and money, and contributing to healing all that is broken in our world. I also know that this work requires fun, pleasure, ease and a way of living and working that FEEL good and sustainable.

These are the things I can’t help but teach other women. How to get seen, how to heal the old stuff holding you back, and how to stop caring what other people might think. I teach it because I get it. I’ve gone/am going through the journey with you.


Game on.

Watch out world.

We're doing this thang.

Who else is ready to step it up (and maybe even be a little disruptive too)?!


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