Falling Out of Love with a Mentor

It’s okay to fall out of love with mentors you once really looked up to.

It’s okay to outgrow people.

It’s okay to not agree with 100% of what your teachers or leaders say.

It’s okay to hold them accountable to do better.

It’s okay to question them.

It’s okay to also walk away and take a break when they trigger you or just straight up don’t resonate anymore.

It’s okay to question how you ever followed and admired certain humans you now don’t vibe with.

Business and growth is an ever evolving process.

Don’t make yourself wrong.


I wrote this the other day as I was thinking about all of the incredible teachers and mentors I’ve had in my lifetime.

Some I still follow and love learning from; others I’ve moved on from.

All served their purpose. All played a part in my growth.

And that’s okay.

We aren’t always meant to stay in relationships forever.

We get to move on.

Sometimes we need to grieve those relationships as they end.

Here are a few steps to help you do that.

  1. Write a list of all the things you’re grateful for that came from these relationships

  2. Write an intention or desire list of the next mentor or teacher you’d like to invite into your life and what you’ll work on together or how it will feel to be supported by them

  3. Journal out anything you want to release or let go of. This could be experiences, feelings of shame, disappointment, grief, sadness, frustration, hurt, etc.

  4. You can also write a letter to the mentor with everything you want to say as you part ways. You never have to send this, but it can be helpful to just get it out.

As always, give yourself permission to be exactly where you’re at and feel how you feel.

Trust that everything is always working out for you and that it’s this or something better coming into your life.

If you found this helpful, I’d love to hear your biggest takeaway! You can email me at julia@juliacwells.com.