Where do You Want to be a Year From Now?

During the last few weeks of 2019—and the end of a decade at that!—I couldn’t stop thinking about one thing.

What will be my Word of the Year?

I was first introduced to this concept at the end of 2018 by my dear friend Carole Ann Penney who—among the many incredible things she does to support mission-driven leaders—throws an annual Word of the Year Party. Amazing right?

Her timing was perfect. I was coming off a real rock-bottom year. One that left me immovable with a pinched nerve that lasted five months (and required way too many PT sessions to count) after my stress level reached an all-time. To throw icing on the cake, the universe decided to send me a few more signs that I was in need of some changes. At the same moment my pinched nerve arrived, my wrists reached an unbearable level of pain that led to the discovery that I was born with a genetic wrist condition—ulna abutment syndrome—which had conveniently decided to wait 31 years to become symptomatic until it could join forces with my pinched nerve.

As a result, I spent August through December of 2018 with a pretty painful right side of my body, from my neck to my shoulder down to my wrist.

More on that here.

By the time the Word of the Year Party rolled around, I was ready! I knew I needed to make some changes in the self-care category. And after some amazing brainstorming and workshopping with the other women in the room, I arrived at my word of the year: Honor.

Honoring what my mind, body and spirit need at the exact moment they need it most.

When the end of 2019 approached, I was in an entirely different physical and mental space than I had been the year prior. I owned my word of the year! I honored myself every chance I could.

I said “no”… a lot (it first felt naughty and then delightful!).

I slowed down, appreciating the warmth and comfort of stillness and nothingness.

I spent more time with family, friends and the experiences that fill my cup.

I walked away—more often than before—from people and things that no longer serve me.

So you can imagine the pressure I felt this January to come up with an equally powerful word for 2020! Over the holidays, when my family was in town, I sparked this conversation every chance I could get… hoping my family would help me crystalize my word. My sister quickly knew her word, “Serenity.” My husband has decided to carry-over his 2019 word of “Slay.” We granted him permission to do so. And my 10-year-old niece, one of the most laid-back kids you’ll meet, zeroed in on “Commit” so that she can work on her decisiveness.

I threw out a few words like “Manifest” and “Empowered,” but no one got behind those.  Then I threw out “Trust,” which at least got garnered a few “hmmmms” and “tell me more.”

With my wheels spinning, I decided to take a pause and create space for my word to find me (and yes attend Carole Ann’s party!).

It took a bit longer to find me than I thought, but my word for 2020 came to me at 2 am a few days ago. The word is “Brave.”

To me, being brave is about:

Being courageous in the face of the things I want most because at the end of the day, I trust myself and that things work out as they should.

2020 is going to be about owning and investing in my future in ways I have always wanted. Of not allowing fear-based decisions to cloud my higher sense of purpose. Of building bridges to my future self that are ready to be constructed.

So what about you?

You are reading this, likely reflecting on all that you want in 2020, too. Maybe you have your word of the year and you are ready to activate it. Or, perhaps you’re waiting for that 2 am wake-up call where your governing theme  will find you. Maybe you don’t believe in words of the year at all. That’s fine too 😊

But for all of us on this leadership journey, I am sure we can all agree that we want 2020 to be our best year yet. To be the year where we soar to new heights, create new experiences and cultivate new beliefs. If so, here are a few things we all can do to keep this feeling alive and well:

Voice Your Dreams: Whether you believe in words of the year, New Years Resolution, visioning boards, spend more time this year voicing your dreams. Say out-loud the innermost things you want most in this lifetime. Maybe it’s to start your own company. Join the speaking circuit. Have a family. When we give voice to our dreams—either through conversation, journaling, meditation, etc.—we begin to craft a culture of normalcy around what we want most. Suddenly, it’s not just a deep secret only reserved for our subconscious. Rather, it becomes something we get more comfortable discussing regularly. What’s one of my big dreams? To write a book. Phew. Scary to say out loud, but this year I am going to normalize conversation around my dream so that it becomes less scary!

Visit Your Future Self: When I was at the 2018 Word of the Year party, I pictured Future Carrie sitting at the 2019 Word of the Year party. She was at peace. Physically healed. Emotionally stronger. More balanced. She seemed awesome! When we visit with our Future Self, we get glimpses into who we want to be most. Try it today or tomorrow. What is your future self doing, feeling and thinking this time next year? Then, act each and every day in service to the woman you are most interested in becoming. 

Do It Your Way: A number of my friends and colleagues have also chosen words of the year or resolutions, and many center around themes of self-care, acceptance, trust and ownership. Remember that what you want most, and the way you will go about doing it, will be unique to you. And, perhaps most importantly, there is no right way to get there. In my case, for example, being brave is about being courageous, having trust and doing so in a way that still honors who I am and the way I see the world. Every person’s tolerance for risk and adventure is different. When you know innately what you most for yourself this time next year, it’s a gratifying feeling. What’s even more gratifying is getting there in a way that is true to you.


Where do you want to be a year from now?

Do you want to be brave, still, unapologetic, peaceful, powerful, reinvented? 

What risks do you want to have taken?

What relationships will you leave behind? What new ones will you form?

What steps forward will you have taken in honor of your dreams, especially the super secret ones?

Where do you want to be a year from now?