Flossing Philosophy perspectiveTeresa CodaSeptember 24, 2017New Year's Resolutions, habits, balance, work life balance, accomplishments, Imposter Syndrome, discipline
The Google Mainfesto: Are You Really Surprised? perspectiveMary Kay MarksSeptember 1, 2017wome in tech, STEM education, women in the workplace, gender discrimination, women in science, women in leadership
The Art of Regrouping perspectiveTeresa CodaAugust 28, 2017regrouping, perspective, balance, work life balance, work pressure, mindfulness
Doshas and Soil: Key Ingredients to a Balanced Life perspectiveCarrie MajewskiAugust 4, 2017dosha, yoga, mindfulness, balance, work pressure, thought leadership, work life balance
Some Thoughts on Boundaries perspectiveTeresa CodaJuly 18, 2017boundaries, perspective, balance, work life balance, work pressure, mindfulness